Expanding into a new market?

April 22, 2016 3:04 pm Published by

Those who are not familiar with international expansion should be aware that the associated risks and costs may seem to outweigh the short term benefits if the company has substantial revenue at its home jurisdiction. There are many things businesses should consider before expanding and below we take a closer look at new overseas markets and considerations involved.

The attraction of penetrating of overseas markets is difficult to avoid if your company is looking to boost revenue. Many companies will proceed with caution but the benefits of international expansion can really be great. Many organisations will wish to minimise the tax and legal presences in the host country until proof exists that the expansion decision was a good choice. This may not be the best strategy if the comply with local immigration, permanent establishment, employer classification and other obligations.

We come to the conclusion that if you want to expand into a new market it is important that you perform the relevant due diligence to understand the legal obligations in the jurisdiction you wish to expand to. This is so you can develop a strategy that will realistically outweighs risks and reward of global expansion.

At Omni Global we can assist you with your company’s international expansion and carry out the relevant due diligence and legal obligations.


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This post was written by sherlockiscool

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